JET 4000 AME datalogger records several parameters depending on version and connected sensors:

- I version, for Lugeon tests, Permeability tests, Grouting, GIN (grouting intensity number) injections (pressure, flow, volume, time, duration);
- J version, for Drilling, Jet grouting, Soil mixing, CFA, Vibroflotation (depth, thrust speed, pressure, flow, volume, rotation speed, rotation torque, thrust force, inclination, deviation, time, duration, GPS coordinates).

All measured values are displayed in real time on the JET 4000 AME LCD monitor and recorded on three internal flash memories. Afterwards, all recorded data are downloaded to a PC in order to file them and to print graphics.
JET 4000 AME datalogger is provided with outputs to control and automate the equipment.
JET 4000 AME, the project.
Internal boards, design of schematic and printed circuit layout with following specifications:
- central microprocessor;
- real time clock, I2C;
- flash memory, 4 banks, parallel;
- switching power supply stage;
- 64 buttons keyboard port;
- liquid crystal display (LCD) port;
- USB host port, for pen-drives;
- RS232 port, with USB PC adapter;
- analog inputs (jumper selectable: 0-5V or 4-20mA);
- digital inputs;
- current limiters for sensors protection;
- digital open collector outputs;
- status LEDs.
Keyboard, design of schematic and layout.

Windows PC software, see JET S 104 project.
Programming languages: Assembler, VB.
For further info:
Further info on data loggers:

I version, project started on: March, 1999. Status: in production.
J version, project started on: May, 2003. Status: in production.