1541 Diagnostic Cartridge by Jani per Commodore 64 , allineamento drive, test, performance, alignment

1541 Diagnostic Cartridge by Jani – Video

Today we talk about the 1541 Diagnostic Cartridge by Jani. This interface contains a series of utilities to check your Commodore 1541 floppy disk drive (head alignment, rotation speed, etc…). We analyze both the hardware and the features of the 1541 Diagnostic [...]

1541 Speed ​​Test by Zibri, measure speed-rotation floppy disk drive Commodore 1541, RPM

Adjust the Commodore 1541 with Speed ​​Test by Zibri

In this video I explain how to measure and, if necessary, recalibrate the rotation speed of the Commodore 1541 floppy disk drive with Speed ​​Test by Zibri. After so many years, in fact, it is very likely that the disc rotates at a different speed [...]