Commodore 64 and home automation, load control, Home Control, home automation system

Commodore 64 and home automation: load control

Here is the second video related to the Commodore 64 and home automation. The topic covered is the control of loads: the function of the home automation system that is used to measure the consumption of the home. I had already shown, in the first video related to home automation, how [...]

Home automation with the Commodore 64, Control Casa, load control, light control, shutter control, sockets

Home automation with the Commodore 64

I am very passionate about technology, both modern and vintage. I asked myself: is it possible to control home automation with the Commodore 64? It took some work, but the experiment was successful! First step: connect the Commodore 64 [...]

Change WiFi modem Commodore 64, NodeMCU, ESP8266, 5V tolerant? No! 3.3V. Modification with diode on RX

Commodore 64 WiFi Modem Modification

I recently bought a WiFi modem on eBay and wrote an article on how to set it up and use it. And now, why this article? Is a modification to the Commodore 64 WiFi Modem really necessary? I was reminded [...]

Commodore 64, modem wifi, bbs, internet, nodemcu

Commodore 64 WiFi Modem, Review

I recently bought a Commodore 64 WiFi modem in kit form on eBay. The price was attractive. The kit consists of a few components: using the appropriate equipment, assembly took a few minutes. Unfortunately, the modem I bought does not [...]