Basic Course, Basic V3.5 Commodore 16 C116 Plus4 Plus-4 Plus/4 116 Command List, complete list of function commands variable instructions reserved for basic language

Complete list of Commodore 16, 116 and Plus/4 Basic V3.5 commands

Here is the complete list of commands, functions and variables reserved for the Basic V3.5 of the Commodore 16, C-116 and Commodore Plus/4. This is a simple compendium to remember all the commands, instructions and functions, when you already know how to use them!

Subscribe my YouTube channel ValorosoIT. Retro technology, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

Compared to BASIC V2 of the Commodore 64, the BASIC v3.5 of the Commodore 16, 116 and Plus/4 has many more commands. At Commodore, true completeness is achieved with the BASIC V7 of the Commodore 128, equipped with many commands.

ABSReturns the absolute value of a numberFunction, numerical
ANDReturns true if both conditions are trueOperator, logical
ASCReturns the numerical value of a charFunction, numerical
ATNReturns the arctangent of a numberFunction, numerical
AUTOTurns on automatic line numbering when writing a programCommand
BACKUPCopies an entire diskette to another on a dual drive systemInstruction/command
BOXDraws a box, parallelogram or rectangle at specified position on screenInstruction/command
CHARPositions the text cursor and displays characters on the bitmap screenInstruction/command
CHR$Returns the character corresponding to the numberFunction, string
CIRCLEDraws a circle, ellipse or a regular polygon on the bitmap screenInstruction/command
CLOSECloses a fileInstruction/command
CLRDeletes variables arrays, data, ...Instruction/command
CMDChanges the data output to other peripheralInstruction/command
COLLECTChecks and repairs the file system of a disk, frees inaccessible disk spaceInstruction/command

COLORSelects colors for screen border, foreground, background and charactersInstruction/command
CONTResumes execution of a BASIC programCommand
COPYCopies files from one drive to another in a dual disk drive or within a single driveInstruction/command
COSReturns the cosine of an angle (rad)Function, numerical
DATAStores constant information in the program codeInstruction/command
DECReturns the decimal value of a number specified as hexadecimalFunction, numerical
DEF FNDefines a user-defined functionInstruction
DELETEDeletes lines of a BASIC program in the specified rangeCommand
DIMAllocates space in array memory for a new arrayInstruction/command
DIRECTORYDisplays the contents of the disk directory on the screenInstruction/command
DLOADLoads a BASIC program from diskInstruction/command
DOProgam loop start (DO/LOOP/WHILE/UNTIL/EXIT)Instruction/command
DRAWDisplays lines and points on the bitmap screenInstruction/command
DSGets the numeric code from the current diskStatus_stringReserved variable
DS$Gets the most recent error/status code from a disk deviceReserved variable

DSAVESaves a BASIC program to a disk fileInstruction/command
HEReturns the line number of the most recent errorReserved variable
ENDEnds the processing of the current programInstruction/command
ISReturns the most recent error numberReserved variable
ERR$Returns the error message corresponding to an error numberReserved variable
EXITProgam loop escape (DO/LOOP/WHILE/UNTIL/EXIT)Instruction/command, special
EXPā€œeā€ with the power given by the argumentFunction, numerical
FNExecutes a function defined by DEF FNFunction, numerical, special
FORProgram loop start (FOR ā€¦ TO ā€¦ STEP ā€¦ NEXT)Instruction/command
FREReturns the number of unused bytes of BASIC RAMFunction, numerical, special
GETReads one or more chars from the keyboardInstruction
GET#Reads single characters from the specified deviceInstruction/command, special
GETKEYReceives input data from the keyboard, one character at a timeInstruction
GO TOJumps to a line numberInstruction/command
GOSUBJumps to a subroutine ā€¦ RETURNInstruction/command
Follow me on Instagram channel. Retro technology, Commodore, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

GOTOJumps to a line numberInstruction/command
GRAPHICSelects a screen display (text, bitmap or split-screen bitmap)Instruction/command
GSHAPERetrieves the text-string variable stored by SSHAPEFunction, string
HEADERFormats a disketteInstruction/command
HELPHighlights the line where the error occurredInstruction/command
HEX$Returns a string containing a hexadecimal represention of a given numberFunction, string
IFTests a condition IF ā€¦ THEN or IF ā€¦ GOTOInstruction/command
INPUTReads data from the keyboardInstruction
INPUT#Reads data from a file stored on peripheral deviceInstruction
INSTRFinds the location of a substring in a stringFunction, numerical
INTRounds a numberFunction, numerical
JOYReturns a value indicating the state of a joystickFunction, numerical
KEYLists or redefines the string assigned to a function keyInstruction/command
LEFT$Left chars of a stringFunction, string
LENReturns the number of characters in a stringFunction, numerical

LETAssigns values in a variableInstruction/command
LISTDisplays the BASIC program in memoryInstruction/command
LOADLoads a programInstruction/command
LOCATEPositions the bitmap pixel cursor on the screenInstruction/command
LOGNatural logarithm with the basis eFunction, numerical
LOOPProgam loop end (DO/LOOP/WHILE/UNTIL/EXIT)Instruction/command, special
MID$Inner chars of a stringFunction, string
MONITOREnters the Commodore machine language monitorCommand
NEWClears RAM and programInstruction/command
NEXTProgram loop end (FOR ā€¦ TO ā€¦ STEP ā€¦ NEXT)Instruction/command
NOTReverses true to falseOperator, logical
ONContruct ON ā€¦ GOTO, ON ā€¦ GOSUBInstruction/command
OPENOpens a file or a channelInstruction/command
ORReturns true if one or both conditions are trueOperator, logical
PAINTFills area on the bitmap screen with colorInstruction/command

PEEKReturns the memory contentFunction, numerical
POKEChanges the content of any memory addressInstruction/command
POSDetermines the actual position of the cursorFunction, numerical, special
PRINTPrints data to the current output deviceInstruction/command
PRINT USINGPrints an expression with a specific formatInstruction/command
PRINT#Stores data in a fileInstruction/command
PUDEFRedefines symbols in PRINT USING statementsInstruction/command
RCLRReturns a the color assigned to a graphic screen elementFunction, numerical
RDOTReturns information about the pixel cursorFunction, numerical
READReads constant values from DATAInstruction
RENAMEChanges the name of a file on diskInstruction/command
RENUMBERRenumber lines of a BASIC programCommand
RESTOREClears the pointer of the next DATA valueInstruction/command
RESUMEDefines where the program will continue after an error has been trappedInstruction/command

RETURNFinishes a subroutine: GOSUB ā€¦ RETURNInstruction/command
RGRReturns a value indicating the current graphic modeFunction, numerical
RIGHT$Right chars of a stringFunction, string
RLUMReturns the luminance assigned to a graphic screen elementFunction, numerical
RNDGenerates a random floating point numberFunction, numerical
RUNStarts a programInstruction/command
SAVESaves a programInstruction/command
SCALESets the relative size of the images on the bitmap screenInstruction/command
SCNCLRClears the screenInstruction/command
SCRATCHDeletes a file from the disk directoryInstruction/command
SGNReturns the sign of a number (-1, 0, 1)Function, numerical
SINReturns the sine of an angle (rad)Function, numerical
SOUNDOutputs sound effects and musical notesInstruction/command
SPC(Sets a number of spaces into a PRINT outputFunction, string
SQRCalculates square root of a numberFunction, numerical

SSHAPESaves a a shape (a rectangular region of the bitmap screen) to a string variableInstruction/command
STGets I/O status byteReserved variable
STEPProgram loop increment/decrement (FOR ā€¦ TO ā€¦ STEP ā€¦ NEXT)Instruction/command, special
STOPBreaks a programInstruction/command
STR$Converts numerical values or variables into a stringFunction, string
SYSCalls an assembly language subroutineInstruction/command
TAB(Sets the cursor column into a PRINT outputFunction, string
TANReturns the tangent for a given angle (rad)Function, numerical
THENTests a condition IF ā€¦ THEN (if true)Instruction/command, special
OFGets the system time (seconds/60)Reserved variable
TI$Gets or Sets the system time (HHMMSS)Reserved variable
TOProgram loop target (FOR ā€¦ TO ā€¦ STEP ā€¦ NEXT)Instruction/command, special
TRAPDetects and handles program errors while a BASIC program is runningInstruction
TROFTurns off error tracing mode, while debuggingInstruction/command
TRONTurns on error tracing mode, while debuggingInstruction/command
Follow me on Instagram channel. Retro technology, Commodore, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

UNTILProgam loop condition (DO/LOOP/WHILE/UNTIL/EXIT)Instruction/command, special
USINGSee PRINT USINGInstruction/command, special
USRCalls an assembly language subroutine with argumentFunction, numerical/string
VALReturns the numerical value of a stringFunction, numerical
VERIFYVerifies a saved programInstruction/command
VOLDefines output level of soundInstruction/command
WAITWaits for a memory location to assume specific valuesInstruction/command
WHILEProgam loop condition (DO/LOOP/WHILE/UNTIL/EXIT)Instruction/command, special
+SumOperator, numerical/string
ā€“SubtractionOperator, numerical
*MultiplicationOperator, numerical
/DivisionOperator, numerical
^ExponentOperator, numerical
>GreaterOperator, logical
=EqualOperator, logical

<LessOperator, logical
Ļ€ (pi)3.1415926ā€¦Function, numerical, special

On the website and on the ValorosoIT YouTube channel, I am publishing several episodes to learn how to program in Basic, with the Commodore 16, Comodore 64, Commodore 128, GwBasic, QuickBasic, QB64, Atari, etc...


Subscribe my YouTube channel ValorosoIT. Retro technology, vintage audio, retro computers, experiments and tests. Retroprogramming, Basic. Commodore, IBM, Atari, Apple, Texas Instruments, Amstrad, MSX.

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