Francesco Sblendorio has integrated ChatGPT, OpenAI's artificial intelligence, to the RetroCampus BBS. Here's how to use ChatGPT on the Commodore 64!
To connect, you can use the Commodore 64 with a WiFi modem, or, alternatively, you can use your computer, by opening the following address:
The ChatGPT function is only available to those who support Francesco Sblendorio on Patreon:
With ChatGPT you can chat in all languages, including Italian.
Don't know how to connect the Commodore 64 to the internet? Here in this article, how to set up a WiFi modem and connect with CCGMS, using your C64!
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Nice blog!
Hello Amedeo, I think you're younger than me (or use a very good video post processing) but I also have your same passion: the back: in fact I have a C64, a Plus 4, an A500 and an A1200 quite expanded.
I scanned (your) manuals of 1200, making them "searchable". Where can I send them to you?
Hello and thank you very much! You can contact me here: